Building relationships with domestic and international future students and their parents results in trust and enrolment.

MyCareerMatch AI: A Customised Lead Generation Game Changer

A Personal Career Assistant AI for Universities, Vocational Colleges and Online Course Providers. Since 2010, MyCareerMatch has been a trusted partner for universities and course providers world-wide, delivering unique, student-focused career guidance rebranded for each client and linked to courses they provide. Over 7 million students have benefited from MyCareerMatch, discovering career pathways that align…

Study Areas stand out to achieve better recruitment outcomes

  Auckland University of Technology New Zealand – AUT is New Zealand’s third largest university in terms of total student enrolment, with approximately 30,000 plus students enrolled across three Auckland campuses. Pursuing a growth strategy, AUT reached out to MyCareerMatch Recruit to develop study area specific reports to attract students to that school. Read: University…

High school student recruitment

High School Student Recruitment

  High School Student Strategies Competition for new college and university student enrollments is increasing, with many more students looking at alternative pathways. That’s why it’s more important than ever for institutions to step up their recruitment game and develop an effective strategy to attract and register students, remembering they also experience stress while looking…

Increase university retention by providing quality career advice to school leavers before they apply

Thousands of first-year university students drop out each year. While it has traditionally been the responsibility of high schools to help young people explore their further education options, universities also have a role to play in educating future students at the high school level in order to increase retention rates and ensure young people benefit from their university experience.