Post MyCareerMatch Student Activities

After completing a MyCareerMatch assessment, Careers Advisers can conduct classroom activities to help students identify their personality type and understand how each personality type solves specific problems. Here are some activities that can be helpful: Case study analysis: Provide students with case studies that require them to solve problems in different scenarios. Then, ask them…

Choose a Major to Match your Personality

Choosing a major that matches your personality type is an important decision that can impact your academic performance, career prospects, and overall well-being. MyCareerMatch personality types can provide valuable insights into your natural strengths and interests, and help guide your choice of major. For example, individuals with a Driver personality type may be well-suited to…

How each MyCareerMatch personality type impacts a student’s school experiences and engagement

MyCareerMatch personality types, Driver, Analyser, Supporter, and Promoter, can significantly impact a student’s school experiences and engagement. These personality types influence how students approach their academic work, interact with teachers and peers, and cope with academic challenges. The Driver personality type is characterised by a strong desire to achieve goals and a high level of…

Relationship between Education and Personality

Personality and education are two critical elements of human development that are closely intertwined. Personality traits influence how individuals approach learning and education, while education, in turn, can shape and develop a person’s personality. Personality traits are the set of enduring characteristics that define an individual’s behaviour, thoughts, and emotions. They include openness, conscientiousness, extroversion,…

Online Learning

Are some Personality Types better suited to Online Learning

  An increasing number of students are choosing to study online. For students from lower SES backgrounds, studying online can alleviate both financial and time burdens, allowing students to continue working and/or caring for families. For those from regional and remote areas online education plays a role in enabling regional students to access education while…

Personality assessment can lead to best fit for courses and careers

MyCareerMatch Recruit white paper, explores how personality assessment can lead to finding best fit courses and careers. We know that school recruiters and counsellors who focus on the strengths and personality attributes of young adults preparing for life after high school have the best chance of converting curious prospective students to enrolled young adults. The…